KilaManJaro Bridge
The KilaManJaro Bridge was discovered by Lewis and Clark on the Manifest Destiny Exploration on July 17, 1805. They accidently ran across the bridge trying to escape wild dingos and jumping kangaroos. When they realized what they had ran across the remembered the location and came back later the next day. They evaluated the bridge and declared it the greatest bridge ever. They looked the bridge with such awe and amazement that they began to cry and decided to make a new country named after the bridge, KilaManJaro of America. But this was declined by President Jackson so it never happened. All official documents were destroyed in the battle of bacon and eggs. There is only one picture of this bridge taken by three physics students from lockhart and Mrs. Bagley if you are reading this hopefully you are cuz if you arent then all this time has been wasted staying up late trying to think of stories to write after our first page got deleted because of some weird reason, anyways as i was saying if you are reading this we tried so hard to scale the golden gate bridge down but it just did not turn out so well. So this is are pathetic attempt to pass so if deep down in your heart you can find the kindness to pass us. If you dont pass us you still have to admit this was pretty funny. Just remember we have dirt on you.
Kendall Kila Michael Man Joseph Jaro
Get it KilaManJaro! lol!
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